He let us pet him! Yesterday, Nancy, Shelley, and I set out to pick up some bargains for our Collins and BCA corners. We stopped at Sestili's, Chapon's, Plumline, North Hills Water Gardens, and a new-to-us place, Camp Joanne on Route 380 in Murrysville, which had some amazing deals. For Collins, we purchased: Ceratostigma plumbaginoides (hardy plumbago) x 6 Sedum spurium 'Voodoo' (stonecrop) x 6 Hydrangea paniculata 'DVPinky' (Pinky Winky hydrangea) x 1 (We need another.) Hypericum x 'Albury Purple' (St; John's Wort) x 2 For the BCA we bought: Screening (deer-resistant) arborvitae x 10 We scoped out several other groundcovers, perennials, and grasses, plus some stones. We hope to get everything at more fall sale prices. I'll continue to update this post with addl deets. You'll notice the plants I listed above installed at the Collins corners as of September 8, 2011.
BGC member Donna Isaac wants to pass along the excellent tips in the video links below. Our Webby Girl and I will consolidating and reorganizing the pages on our website soon, so if you can't find something you are looking for in the first place you look, keep looking, because we won't be removing anything.
We have too many photo albums listed, so we are going to link to many of those albums through the event entries, which will be organized by program year. We are also going to be adding more of David Kissell's original photography to our headers, and we will try to streamline a few features. Our new 2011-2012 program will be announced later this month, and we will add those meetings to our Upcoming Events and our Calendar. We always encourage all of our members to give us ideas about the website, to submit content (copy, photos, videos, etc), and to let us know if anything should be corrected. Thank you!! |