2019-2020 Program
Tuesday, 17 September 2019: Landscape Hike of Fallingwater, led by Dan Bonga
Meet at BCA for carpooling at 9:00 am. Contact Nancy Del Presto with questions.
Photos of the event may be viewed here.
Saturday, 5 October 2019: EJ’s Army Fall Clean-up (Rain date: 19 October 2019)
Meet at the BCA at 8:30 am to volunteer for this semi-annual service project picking up litter around the BCA grounds and the adjacent roadside. Environmental chair EJ Foster reminds us to wear appropriate work shoes and to dress for the weather. Orange cones, heavy work gloves, safety vests, and plastic garbage bags will be provided. Please call EJ at 412-241-5955 to let her know if you can help, so we can have a headcount for coffee and pastries. Thank you!
Wednesday, 23 October 2019: Churchill Garden Club Meeting
BGC members have been invited to attend this meeting at the Churchill Borough Building at 10:00 am. Speaker will be Chris Holt, who will present “All Dried Up and Beautiful.” RSVP to Nancy Del Presto by 15 October if you plan to attend, so that we may inform our hosts.
Photos of the meeting are here.
Thursday, 24 October 2019: Allegheny Land Trust Presentation
This program will begin at 7:00 pm at Friendship Hall in Beulah Presbyterian Church. There will be “A Change in Our Backyard,” if the ALT completes their acquisition of the former Churchill Valley Country Club property, which is slated to become a publicly-accessible greenway providing local residents scenic trails, pollinator and bird habitats, and streams, which could potentially support fishing. Thomas Dougherty of the ALT will speak and answer your questions. The BGC encourages members and friends to support the project with contributions to ALT. Please contact Victoria Rodia with questions about the program.
Deets of the project are here and photos of the meeting are posted here.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019: Christmas Tree Trimming
This annual service project will begin at 11:30 am at Eastridge Library, where BGC members will decorate a Christmas tree with ornaments handcrafted by our volunteers. Please contact Nancy Del Presto if you would like to help.
Thursday, 5 December 2019: BGC 80th Birthday Luncheon (BGC organized 5 Dec 1939)
This celebration, in honor of our “Cultivating Community for 80 Years,” will begin at 11:00 am at Longue Vue Club in Verona, PA. We’ll be providing more details about our BD party soon. If you have any favorite BGC mementos or photos you’d like us to display, please contact Judy Diorio or Nancy Del Presto.
You can see the photo album of the event here.
Wednesday, 19 February 2020: It's Tree Time!
Be at the BCA at 7:00 pm for this interactive program, starting with Jason Rihn, arborist with Bartlett Tree Experts in Irwin, who will speak about proper pruning of our trees and shrubs. (Spoiler alert: February is an excellent time to prune.) Jason will be followed by Ken Balkey, chairman of Churchill Borough’s Tree Committee, who will discuss the loss of so many mature trees in our increasingly wet climate, and the disastrous consequences of that for residents and our environment. Ken, along with reps from other local tree committees, will take questions from the audience on ordinances from our local municipalities, intended to protect our trees and our residents.
Photo album is here and Mr Balkey's slideshow is here.
Congratulations to Mayor Paul Gamrat for his raffle win!
Friday, 20 March 2020: Bloomin’ Corner Raffle
Check your mailboxes in February for our annual benefit raffle mailer! The funds raised by the raffle support our signature Blackridge corners as well as the Blackridge Civic Association and the Blackridge Swim Club.
Winners of the raffle were:
Golf: Greg Collins
Garden: Emilie Freese
Nordies: Karen Risher
Dine: Rose Guerrieri
Take at look at benefit photos.
Thursday, 16 April 2020: CANCELED Churchill Garden Club Meeting
The Churchill Garden Club has invited BGC members to this meeting which will feature a presentation from the Dahlia Society. The meeting will begin at 10:00 am at the Churchill Borough Building. RSVP to Nancy Del Presto by 8 April if you plan to attend so that we may inform our hosts.
Saturday, 25 April 2020: CANCELED EJ’s Army Spring Clean-up (Rain Date: 2 May 2020)
Meet at the BCA at 8:30 am to volunteer for this semi-annual service project picking up litter around the BCA grounds and the adjacent roadside. Environmental chair EJ Foster reminds us to wear appropriate work shoes and to dress for the weather. Orange cones, heavy work gloves, safety vests, and plastic garbage bags will be provided. Please call EJ at 412-241-5955 to let her know if you can help, so we can have a headcount for coffee and pastries. Thank you!
Monday, 27 April 2020: CANCELED Feathered Friends of Our New Greenway
At 7:00 pm at the BCA, a representative from the educational committee of the Allegheny Land Trust will familiarize us with bird species living in the former CVCC property.
June 2, 2020: End of Year Luncheon CANCELED
We’ll celebrate at Flowers in the Attic, 7505 Saltsburg Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15235. Details will be forthcoming.