Blackridge Garden Club
2016-2017 Program

September 13, 2016: Tour of Renziehausen Gardens
Join us for a field trip to Renziehausen Gardens in McKeesport. We will leave from the BCA, our carpool site, but 10:00 AM. Our tour starts at 10:30 AM; lunch will follow at 12 noon. As our hosts, McKeesport Garden Club, need a count and to know about any dietary restrictions, please contact Nancy Del Presto by Monday, September 5 at 412-247-4129 or email at [email protected] if you plan to attend.
Renziehausen Park Rose Garden and Arboretum contains 1200 rose bushes in 28 beds, plus an additional 3 raised beds containing 300 miniature rose bushes.
Photos of our visit may be seen here.
October 15, 2016: EJ's Army Fall Cleanup
Thank you to our BGC Environment Chairman, EJ Foster, and her wonderful volunteers for clearing brush and picking up litter from the area around the BCA Clubhouse, including the treacherous terrain along Beulah Road. Volunteers included Anne Messner, Megan Warren, Ceil Greber, Nancy Carpenter, Diane Law, Barb and Gary Liberati, Denny and Penny Bossick, and Donna Isaac and David Hosmer.
Photos of the event may be seen here.
Join us for a field trip to Renziehausen Gardens in McKeesport. We will leave from the BCA, our carpool site, but 10:00 AM. Our tour starts at 10:30 AM; lunch will follow at 12 noon. As our hosts, McKeesport Garden Club, need a count and to know about any dietary restrictions, please contact Nancy Del Presto by Monday, September 5 at 412-247-4129 or email at [email protected] if you plan to attend.
Renziehausen Park Rose Garden and Arboretum contains 1200 rose bushes in 28 beds, plus an additional 3 raised beds containing 300 miniature rose bushes.
Photos of our visit may be seen here.
October 15, 2016: EJ's Army Fall Cleanup
Thank you to our BGC Environment Chairman, EJ Foster, and her wonderful volunteers for clearing brush and picking up litter from the area around the BCA Clubhouse, including the treacherous terrain along Beulah Road. Volunteers included Anne Messner, Megan Warren, Ceil Greber, Nancy Carpenter, Diane Law, Barb and Gary Liberati, Denny and Penny Bossick, and Donna Isaac and David Hosmer.
Photos of the event may be seen here.

Saturday, November 26; 1-4 PM; BCA; Holiday Wreath or Centerpiece Workshop; Members $40/Nonmembers $50; Spaces are limited; Contact Ceil Greber at 412-247-5828 for further info or reservations. Blog post with details here.
Tuesday, December 6; 12 Noon; BCA; Holiday Tea Party; Contact Ceil Greber for further info or reservations. Blog post with details here.
Monday, February 20; 12 Noon; BCA; Pruning Lecture by Master Gardener Cindy Csikari; Contact Marlene Dolecki at 412-841-5005 for further info or reservations.
Friday, March 10; 7-10 PM; Longue Vue Club; Bloomin’ Corners Benefit: Garden Fiesta! Save the date and look for invitations and raffle tickets to arrive in February.
Tuesday, April 4; 12 Noon; BCA; Peony Lecture by Master Gardener Bill Geoff; Contact Vicki Rodia at 412-241-2829 for further info or reservations.
Saturday, April 29: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM, BCA Grounds: EJ’s Army Spring Clean-Up (Rain date: Saturday, April 23) Please join EJ and company as we tidy up around the BCA building and the Beulah Road approach. Volunteers will be rewarded with coffee and treats. EJ reminds volunteers to wear appropriate work shoes, to bring garden gloves, and to dress for the weather. Orange cones, heavy work gloves, safety vests, and plastic garbage bags, will be provided. Please let EJ know if you can help out so we can provide coffee for all volunteers.
WRAP-UP: Thank you to our volunteers!
EJ Foster and her volunteers Anne Messner, Nancy Del Presto, Barb Liberati, Peg Parsons, Jeanette Trauth, Todd Hoover, Alan Livengood, Shelley Grotzinger, and the new first couple of Churchill and former Blackridge residents, Patty and Paul Gamrat, tidied up around the BCA building and the Beulah Road approach, and were rewarded with coffee and treats.
See pix of the event here.
Wednesday, May 17; 7 PM; BCA; Annual, Not-To-Be-Missed, Plant Auction; Contact Ceil Greber for further info.
Tuesday, June 6; 12 Noon; President's Luncheon; Contact Marlene Dolecki for further info.
Tuesday, December 6; 12 Noon; BCA; Holiday Tea Party; Contact Ceil Greber for further info or reservations. Blog post with details here.
Monday, February 20; 12 Noon; BCA; Pruning Lecture by Master Gardener Cindy Csikari; Contact Marlene Dolecki at 412-841-5005 for further info or reservations.
Friday, March 10; 7-10 PM; Longue Vue Club; Bloomin’ Corners Benefit: Garden Fiesta! Save the date and look for invitations and raffle tickets to arrive in February.
Tuesday, April 4; 12 Noon; BCA; Peony Lecture by Master Gardener Bill Geoff; Contact Vicki Rodia at 412-241-2829 for further info or reservations.
Saturday, April 29: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM, BCA Grounds: EJ’s Army Spring Clean-Up (Rain date: Saturday, April 23) Please join EJ and company as we tidy up around the BCA building and the Beulah Road approach. Volunteers will be rewarded with coffee and treats. EJ reminds volunteers to wear appropriate work shoes, to bring garden gloves, and to dress for the weather. Orange cones, heavy work gloves, safety vests, and plastic garbage bags, will be provided. Please let EJ know if you can help out so we can provide coffee for all volunteers.
WRAP-UP: Thank you to our volunteers!
EJ Foster and her volunteers Anne Messner, Nancy Del Presto, Barb Liberati, Peg Parsons, Jeanette Trauth, Todd Hoover, Alan Livengood, Shelley Grotzinger, and the new first couple of Churchill and former Blackridge residents, Patty and Paul Gamrat, tidied up around the BCA building and the Beulah Road approach, and were rewarded with coffee and treats.
See pix of the event here.
Wednesday, May 17; 7 PM; BCA; Annual, Not-To-Be-Missed, Plant Auction; Contact Ceil Greber for further info.
Tuesday, June 6; 12 Noon; President's Luncheon; Contact Marlene Dolecki for further info.